The Italian National Agency for Regional Healthcare Services (AGENAS) is a non-economic public body funded in 1993 and subject to oversight by the Ministry of Health. Its tasks are identified by the Standing Conference on the Relations between the State, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces, and it also carries out the tasks laid down by the existing legislation. It has been re-organized in 2012 and, recently, with the 2018 financial law. AGENAS’ mission of “technical and scientific body of the Italian NHS carrying out research activities and supporting the Ministry of Health, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano according to the provision of Law n. 244/2007, item 2 paragraph 357” has been consolidated over the years. This is furthermore affirmed in the Agency Statute approved in May 2018. Acting as a link between the central, regional and local level, AGENAS provide technical and operational support to Regions and healthcare organizations with regards to organizational, economic, financial aspects and efficacy of health interventions, as well as patient centeredness, quality and safety of care.

For more information, see:


Some page of the site in English:

  • Health Technology Assessment:
  • Empowerment
    • The correct use of the emergency services (LINK)
  • Quality and appropriateness
    • The Observatory on Good Practices for Patient Safety (LINK)
    • Cancer Networks (LINK)
  • Research:

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