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Opportunità e sfide del public reporting dei risultati sulla performance degli ospedali a livello nazionale: esperienze internazionali e prospettive future

Opportunities and challenges of hospital performance public reporting at the national level: international experiences and future perspective

26 settembre 2014
Auditorium del Ministero della Salute - Roma
L’evento è stato organizzato da Agenas in collaborazione e con il supporto del Progetto Mattone Internazionale (LINK). Al workshop hanno partecipato, come relatori, esperti nel campo della valutazione della performance, provenienti da otto Paesi (Canada, Corea, Danimarca, Francia, Giappone, Gran Bretagna, Italia, Stati Uniti). Obiettivo dell’evento è stato quello di analizzare e confrontare le principali esperienze internazionali di comunicazione pubblica della performance dei sistemi sanitari e le tendenze attualmente in corso in Italia.

Per approfondimenti:


The relevance of international collaboration for effective Public Reporting of Health Systems Performance in Italy
Fabrizio CARINCI -  Senior Consultant, Agenas and Member of the Bureau of the OECD Health Care Quality Indicators Project

Public reporting of hospital performance in the NHS: the focus on transparency
Veena RALEIGH - Senior Fellow, The King's Fund, United Kingdom

Your Health Public Reporting on Health System Performance in Canada
Jeremy VEILLARD - Vice-President, Research and Analysis Canadian Institute for Health Information, Canada

Hospital Performance Assessment in Korea’s National Health Insurance System
Sun MIN KIM - Health Insurance Review and Assessment service of Korea, Korea

Italian National Outcome Program on evaluation of health care: implications for policy and impact on quality of care
Danilo FUSCO - Lead Statistician, National Outcome Program (PNE), Italy

Hospital Performance Reporting in the United States
Irma ARISPE - Associate Director, Analysis and Epidemiology, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Department of Health and Human Services, USA

Can performance and outcome measurement improve the quality of care? 15 years experiences from the Danish Health Care System
Jan MAINZ - Professor, Aalborg University Hospital, Psychiatry and National Institute for Health Data and Disease control, Denmark

Using benchmarking to improve hospital patient outcomes: National level interests from international comparisons
Jean-Marie JANUEL - Epidemiologist, Assistant Professor, University Institute for Graduate Studies and Research on Health Care (IUFRS) CHUV - Faculty of biology and medicine, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

What is the international strategy for improving quality of health care by using indicators? Considerations from Japan’s Experience
Toshiro KUMAKAWA - Director, Department of Health and Welfare Services National Institute of Public Health, Japan

Use and Analysis of the hospital discharges database for quality and governance
Flavia CARLE - Directorate General of Health Planning, Ministry of Health, Italy

The use of OECD’s Health Care Quality Indicators for benchmarking on national, regional and hospital level
Niek KLAZINGA - Professor, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and Coordinator, OECD Health Care Quality Indicators (HCQI)

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